My Podcast Logo!

The design of my podcast logo is finally complete, and I’m happy with it. Its main placement will be at the top of the Yadio.FM website, but it won’t be limited to just that. This logo is a representation of my podcast’s identity.

I don’t like minimalist designs—I love complexity. Maybe my soul is filled with the same intricate details. In any case, I plan to use this logo in the teaser video for the podcast launch, as well as in the podcast cover images on different platforms.

But what we see in the logo—Yadio—actually has meaning in Persian. It’s a combination of “Yād” (which means memory or remembrance) and “Radio”, which led me to this unique logo.

Of course, on the graphic project page, I’ll share more details about why I used certain elements in the design. However, my main goal was to reflect the different aspects of my podcast within the logo itself. Some elements in the logo were intentionally designed so that they can help me with future projects.

For example, the episode teaser videos will require visual elements, and I needed a logo with versatility and potential to bring my ideas to life.

But I know this is just the beginning of the journey. Many people have had great ideas but never moved beyond the idea stage. A lot of businesses have probably started with an amazing logo but never made it past that.

For me, that won’t be the case. I’ll give it everything I have—and I will succeed.

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