Recent Projects
On this page, only the latest projects or those currently in progress are displayed. To view other projects and different sections of the website, be sure to use the “Areas of Activity” menu and its submenus, where you can explore completed projects and various fields of my work. These links are also accessible from the homepage of the website.
Recent Projects
On this page, only the latest projects or those currently in progress are displayed. To view other projects and different sections of the website, be sure to use the “Areas of Activity” menu and its submenus, where you can explore completed projects and various fields of my work. These links are also accessible from the homepage of the website.
The Diplomacy Project, a brief part of which you can see on this page, is still undergoing optimization. The complete […]
On the Yadio.FM Podcast Logo Project page, I mentioned that, at first, I just wanted to have a podcast. But […]
At first, I just wanted to have a podcast. But then I thought, when I publish it on different platforms, […]